Nichelle Walker is a successful woman of faith, an honored wife, and is passionately advocating towards the mission to serve her community. Walker encourages doing things in the community that matter because she sees community service as finding local solutions to national or global problems. So, she advocates for the ownership of social responsibly for ALL people to do things that matter within our local communities that we call home by choice or simple human existence.
Additionally, Nichelle is a Believer and active member of Christ Family Church (CFC) in Cary NC, under the shepherd-ship of Bishop Patricio Wilson, and 1st Lady Minister Mia Wilson. Walker cheerfully serves in the media ministry. She values and takes great retreat within the CFC Community. Walker openly invites family, friends, and those looking for a place to commune or seek comfort to CFC. Nichelle and her husband, Charles believe CFC is a wonderful church.
Nichelle and Charles Walker together are both business and life partners. They are presently partnering to open a non-profit organization to help more of the community. The Walker’s currently collaborate on many business projects and coaching endeavors. Nichelle greatly supports mental health and encourages both self-care and emotional wholeness. 
Lastly, but definitely not least, Nichelle is a proud Verizon Employee (#Vteamer), Board of Directors Leader, and Chairwoman for the Woman's Association of Verizon Employee's (WAVE), Life Coach and Community Service Advocate. As Walker enjoys both work, board, and committee duties as a #Vteamer, she organically values Verizon’s initiative to take on the social responsibility to implore all #VTeamers globally to serve 2.5million hours of community service by the year 2025. Walker is a Collaborations Engineer that specializes in creating solutions that meet content, event, and conferencing needs. She delights in content collaboration and creation; furthermore, enjoys the journey of telling or creating a vision even more. In so, aligning her life’s mission, career, brand, faith, and business pathways.
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